About us

At Korall, we are building an ecosystem of services that create value. Together with our portfolio and interest companies, we are creating a completely new offering that helps people to achieve a more sustainable living environment, an offering where we enable everyone to find a home on their own terms.


"A value-creating ecosystem, founded in our independence."

Korall's history begins in 2014 under the name Översta Förmedlingsbolaget. With a desire for independence, the franchisees in Swedish Real Estate Agency break free from years of bank ownership. They see the opportunity to run their own business with a focus on creating value based on the customer's needs.

Much has happened since we bought ourselves free, but independence as a driving force is stronger than ever. As the world changes and customers constantly seek smarter and better solutions, opportunities for new revenue streams also open up. It's about helping the customer throughout their housing life and not just when buying and selling their home.

When our competitors increasingly merge into clusters, we once again take the future into our own hands and create our own context. Guided by our common purpose; to create a sustainable living for many people, we are building the Korall group - a unique ecosystem where we leverage each other's strengths and create value together.

– Liza Nyberg, CEO


Där hållbart boendeliv och innovation möts

Framtidens boende ryms inte inom fyra väggar. Det är en ständigt pågående process med många dimensioner som handlar om en förändringsresa genom olika stadier i livet, full av funderingar, möjligheter och beslut. I grunden handlar det om att hitta hem på sina villkor. Om att hitta läget och boendeformen, finansieringen, tryggheten och det som gör att hemkänslan både flyttar in och stannar över tid.

Trygghet, boendeekonomi, miljötänk, boenden att växa i och ur, är några exempel på aspekter som blir allt viktigare för våra kunder.

Med våra förutsättningar i det ekosystem av tjänster som vi byggt upp är vi den aktör som tar ledartröjan i att utveckla och erbjuda attraktiva tjänster både innan, under och efter bytet av bostad.

Genom att utgå ifrån kundens situation och drivkrafter när vi utvecklar vår koncern, blir vi inte bara ännu mer relevanta, vi utmanar också hela vår bransch och har möjlighet att bygga värde för både våra medarbetare, aktieägare, kunder och partners.


Our direction and drive

We create a sustainable living for many people

For us, sustainability means more than environmental solutions – it is also about economic, social and human sustainability. By thinking long-term and creating versatile solutions, we build living environments that promote security, community, and optimism for the future.

Innovative services that simplify and enable throughout the entire living experience

By putting people's needs at the centre, we create, together with our portfolio and interest companies, secure and smooth solutions that provide control and facilitate every step of the living journey.

An ecosystem for the living experience where values grow

From customers and partners to shareholders and employees - with housing as the hub, we offer, together with our portfolio and interest companies, an inspiring overall solution that guides and creates value throughout the entire living experience.

We believe in together - by your side but one step ahead

Together we build value for employees, owners, partners, and the media, but also for customers in our portfolio and interest companies who receive innovative and smart services around the living experience gathered in one place.

Together we make a difference for each other, the community, and everyone who takes advantage of what we offer. Together our offer is stronger than on its own. Together with the customers of our portfolio and interest companies, we find the best solution for each need. Together we create a sustainable living experience for many people.

Our portfolio and interest companies


Svensk Fastighetsförmedling


Ordna Bolån



Our common value proposition

Together with our portfolio and interest companies and partners, we develop innovative services that simplify and enable throughout the entire living experience. With our combined services, we help people find homes, manage their move, and their housing economy. And when customers have moved in, help is offered to develop and take care of their home and enhance its value. We are innovative, wise, supportive, and take responsibility, and offer expert help that can be trusted. We are where people are, in the heart of the present.

Svensk Fastighetsförmedling helps people find homes, which is about helping people to the optimal home at the stage of life they are in, in an inspiring, safe and smooth way.

Ordna Bolån helps people in a smooth and easy way with both mortgages and personal loans that enable a wise housing economy based on their conditions.

House:ID offers opportunities for people to be inspired and plan for their home. By offering various tools and solutions as well as gathering and mediating the best providers of the services our customers seek, we can safely help them take care of their home and enhance its value. Everything from renovations to smart services for how to reduce the home's climate impact to finding smart floor plans for the home and garden and furnishing in the best way.

Learn more about our partners

We own and develop services within sustainable living where we take the role to:

  • Contribute with a long-term perspective and strategic direction to secure future competitiveness and growth.
  • Explore new opportunities for value creation and revenue streams, act as an innovation engine and create new revenue streams from services within sustainable living.
  • Drive development projects within existing companies, as well as through new services, acquisitions or establishment of new portfolio companies.
  • Take a longer perspective and look at larger issues to oversee the group's interests on an overarching plan – such as how to respond to crucial events, trends and technological development – and identify economies of scale across portfolio and interest companies. This also involves a responsibility to drive and develop necessary strategies such as portfolio, brands, partners, competence supply and learning, as well as sustainability to support the portfolio companies and ensure delivery against our vision.
  • Take the primary responsibility to drive and communicate the group's common purpose both externally and internally.

Our History

Erik H

Eric H Lundgren founded Svensk Fastighetsförmedling in Linköping.


Svensk Fastighetsförmedling founded Hemnet together with Fastighetsbyrån, Fastighetsmäklarförbundet, and Mäklarsamfundet.


Svensk Fastighetsförmedling started Svensk Mäklarstatistik together with Föreningssparbankens Fastighetsbyrå and Mäklarsamfundet.


Svensk Fastighetsförmedling was sold to DnB and became a franchise organisation.


Svensk Fastighetsförmedling was sold to Swedbank, but the deal was annulled.


Översta Förmedlingsbolaget was founded.


Svensk Fastighetsförmedling's franchisees bought back Svensk Fastighetsförmedling and formed Översta Förmedlingsbolaget.


Mäklarstatistik was divested and sold to Mäklarsamfundet.


Direkto private loan brokerage was acquired by Svensk Fastighetsförmedling with the aim of transforming into a mortgage brokerage.


Svensk Fastighetsförmedling Real Estate Agency opened an office in Spain.


New share issue where all employees within the group were invited as shareholders.


Direkto was transformed into Ordna Bolån, Sweden's first mortgage brokerage.


Svensk Fastighetsförmedling underwent a graphic transformation, introducing a new identity and logo.


We made our first investment in House:ID, whose service was launched in 2021.


We become Korall group - an ecosystem where we leverage each other's strengths and create value together.

Sustainable Living in Focus

We primarily engage in issues that put people at the centre and contribute to health, safety, well-being, and a sound economy, which can clearly be related to living in a natural way. We actively work to minimise environmental impact, take responsibility for learning more, and encourage long-term care of homes and finding sustainable solutions.

Read More About Sustainable Living

Questions and Answers

Explore our most common questions and answers about Korall.

In our Korall group, Svensk Fastighetsförmedling, Ordna Bolån, and House:ID are included, three prominent companies that create a whole within sustainable living. Together, we offer innovative solutions that simplify life for our customers and create added value throughout the housing journey.

Our vision is to create sustainable living for everyone. By combining our strengths and expertise, we work to meet future needs for smart and sustainable solutions – for our customers, employees, and society as a whole.

We see the future as an opportunity to grow and broaden our offering in sustainable living. Our ambition is to identify new partnerships, develop innovative services, and create solutions that meet our customers' needs in an ever-changing world. By thinking long-term and sustainably, we aim to strengthen our position in the market and continue to be a leading force in the industry.

News and media


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