Therefore, we have decided to focus our corporate responsibility on actively contributing to increasing social cohesion
Together with Svensk Fastighetsförmedling, we map and create activities to strengthen social cohesion.
Through Svensk Fastighetsförmedling's collaboration with Save the Children, we support the initiative "On Equal Terms", which works to ensure that all children - regardless of background or upbringing environment - have the same opportunities to participate in society, and much of this is based on secure living conditions. Our goal is to support children and young people in our areas, so they can feel safe and have hope for a brighter future. Through the collaboration with Save the Children, we can reach out to the children who need it most and give them the conditions to grow up with security, care, and opportunities. In addition to supporting ”On Equal Terms”, we work with Save the Children locally around Sweden with, for example, internships, homework help, and fundraising.
Svensk Fastighetsförmedling's annual trend reports are part of our work to enable social cohesion in Sweden's neighbourhoods and residential areas. The trend report is a survey about neighbourhoods in our residential areas and how we want to live, what is important to us in our living life. With it, we create debate about the importance of social cohesion to combat insecurity, loneliness and help unlock the positive effects that good relationships with those nearby mean.
Read more about our community involvement